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A resting place for my own small forest of the family.

by Ω shopdrawinger ㎡ 2021. 10. 10.

#PlantInterior #BerandaInterior #PlantInterior

Hello, are you enjoying your holiday?
It'd be nice to go camping and outing with your pets,
It's forecasted to rain locally for three days.
I have no choice but to spend time at home with my family.
I don't have a pet but it comforts me.
A small forest in the house.
I'm going to give you my own plantary space.
I'm going to introduce it to you.

Come and see the small garden in the forest.


나름 다 사연이 있는 우리 집 식물도감 플랜테리어

:: #우리집식물 #식물테리어 #집안의작은숲 #식물도감 #식물테리어 #스트레스해소 + 입이 풍성했던 아이들...


